
Frequently Asked Questions:

If you are new to massage therapy, we understand that you might have some questions. Below are the answers to the questions that are most commonly asked about massage therapy treatment. Should you have additional questions please feel free to get in contact .

How will massage therapy benefit me?

Therapeutic massage, delivered by a skilled therapist, commonly reduces muscle and joint pain and aids individuals in returning to work and other activities of daily living. Massage Therapy also is known to promote a state of relaxation, with the resulting emotional benefits of reduced anxiety. Massage Therapy can benefit individuals experiencing stress-related problems and a variety musculoskeletal complaints. After an appropriate assessment is made, massage treatments are tailored to meet your specific needs.

How often will I need treatment?

Some people require only a few sessions to treat a specific problem, while others become regular users of massage therapy as both proactive and preventative healthcare. Massage can help maintain healthy blood flow and the circulation of lymph, normal muscle tone and texture, normal flexibility and range of motion of joints in addition to helping to resolve injury.  Your therapist and you decide together what treatment plan will best serve your needs.

How old does a person need to be to receive massage therapy?

Any age. Massage therapy treatments are effective from birth until palliative care stages. Children will require the written consent and the presence of their parent or guardian.

Which regions of my body get massaged?

If you present with a particular musculoskeletal complaint the therapist will assess your conditition and discuss with you what areas would be most appropriate to treat.  In the absence of any particular injury or problem, the therapist may suggest a typical full body massage which commonly involves working on the back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, feet, and hands.  Please be assured that at all times you will be appropriately draped.

Will I experience muscle soreness following a massage therapy treatment?

Most people report feeling very relaxed, and experience significant relief from aches, pains and stress after a massage therapy session. However some people, especially those who require deep-tissue massage, experience mild muscle soreness, which may last a day or two. Once the soreness is gone, they often feel significant reduction in the symptoms that brought them to massage therapy in the first place.

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with a stranger touching me.

It is not uncommon for first-time clients to be apprehensive with the personal nature of massage therapy. Most clients lose this apprehension within the first few minutes of treatment. Massage therapists are trained professionals who respect your feelings and go out of their way to allow you to feel comfortable during your treatment experience.

Do I have to take off all of my clothes?

No.  You will remove only the articles of clothing that you are comfortable with removing and as directed by the massage therapy professional. Massage therapy treatments work best administered directly, without the barrier of clothing on the areas massaged but can be administered through loose clothing especially in sport events or corporate settings. During a session you will be fully covered with a table sheet/blanket, only the area of your body that is being worked on is uncovered.  Before and after the session, you will undress and dress in complete privacy.

Do you offer massage gift certificates?

Yes I do! A therapeutic massage is a great way to show someone how much you care. For details please contact us.